Thursday 12 January 2012

I love you, warts and all.

Actually, I haven’t met any children here with warts. However, there are many who are malnourished, smelly and have knit filled hair. On the outside, some children are more of a challenge to love. Those that burp in your face, the ones who smell because they do not get washed or have soap in their house, those that wet themselves, the ones who spill their lunch down you, the ones with knit filled, knotted  hair. There are malnourished children, overweight ones, bossy children and stubborn ones. I love these kids. At times they are not easy to work with. They test my patience. They often don’t listen to me. Despite all of these things, I love working with them. The poor in Laura Flores or the ones who clamber all over me even when I know that they smell. I do not judge them or want to push them away. I love them and try to see through the dirt, the hurt they have seen and unstableness of their family backgrounds. I know Jesus didn’t only hang out with those who were clean and presentable, those that had good manners or who were sociably acceptable. He saw through the outer appearances and saw their heart and loved everyone. The prostitutes, the drug users, the alcoholics, the tax collectors, the liars, the disabled, the diseased. He loved them all. I want to be more like him.

Child, I love you, knits and all.

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